The content on this website,, is a collection of publicly and privately available information plus (occasionally) my own commentary. My viewpoint is that of a (hopefully enlightened) ecosocialist, as that is the vantage that makes the most sense to me. My sole aim is to enlighten myself -- and perhaps you.
While I try to source reliable knowledge and sources, given the post-truth era in which we live some errors may occur: e.g., information that is later found to be false (Bill Gates purported purchase of a ~$750M yacht, later discredited, is a recent example). Other sources of disinformation are more insidious; hence, more difficult to detect as falsehood.
My overarching advice is to critically read and evaluate everything presented on, conduct your own research and analyses, and form your own opinions, which may differ from mine.
If you are reading this subsection, you have perhaps had a visceral (emotional | instinctual) reaction to something you've read on my website, Self-reflection and intellectual understanding of those visceral reactions may lead to greater understanding of the world we inhabit. Until I provide the tools for knowledge discovery and data mining on this website, please feel free to explore (keyword and other searches) the raw content on my site.
Historically, history has largely been written and/or shaped by: the victors of wars; nation states; governmental, military, industrial, religious and social institutions;and the wealthy (e.g. newspaper barons; social media). In an electronic, informatic era:
Nearly everyone lies, it seems -- hence the prevalence of the "post-truth" moniker and the growing obfuscation of "truth." The intermixing of real knowledge with misinformation and disinformation clouds our understanding of the knowledge that is fundamentally necessary for a healthy society. In part, is an exploration of these issues -- much like the awakening of Neo in the opening scenes of The Matrix, where he realizes the underlying reality bears little resemblance to his perceived reality.